Things are going to change…

English Version: (Deutsche weiter unten)

Welp, the MOELANDER Show is reaching it’s anniversary and still hasn’t returned with new video’s yet. It has been a turbulent year and things changed.

I am now working for the Order of St. John Youth. I shot a video of their summer camp, where they have a voluntary work with disabled people. This is what will be giving me headaches for the next few weeks.

The MOELANDER SHow now will have content in both of my favourite languages, german and english. For that reason the blog posts will start in english and then a german translation will follow.

Deutsche Version:

Nun, die MOELANDER Show ist jetzt fast ein Jahr alt und ich hab immer noch keinen neuen Inhalt hochgeladen. Das letzte Jahr war sehr turbulent. Es gibt ein paar Planänderungen und Umstrukturierungen.

Nun für die Johanniter: Ich hab heute erstmal ein wenig entspannt, das Lager war schon stressig genug. Dennoch habe ich mir erste Gedanken gemacht, aber genaueres kann ich erst entscheiden, wenn ich noch einmal mit der Lagerleitung geredet hab. So von Angesicht zu Angesicht.

Ihr bekommt rein deutsche Updates auf diesem Blog, außerdem könnt ihr hier Kommentare abladen, die nur unter uns bleiben. Meine E-Mail findet ihr auch hier und einige andere Dinge.

War ein Subbä Låcher, socht der Frångge!

God Bless

Lucky Luke – Episode 1 – The Comic Books

This is probably the last one for a while…

My Mac is dying. I’ll try to make a transplantation to save him. This is also the reason why the end seems so tagged on. I tried to do it right, but I couldn’t check my work later anymore, because the audio came out all garbled. Then I exported the vid and everything was fine, but I seriously hate the end. If I can fix my Mac or get a new one soon, I’ll redo it! No Matter what!

Quality for my viewers first!

The Schedule for August.

So. It’s about time I post the Schedule for August. Lo and behold here it is:

Wednesday August 10th: LUCKY LUKE – The Comic Books

Wednesday August 17th: LUCKY LUKE – My Top 6 LL Comic Books

Wednesday August 24th: LUCKY LUKE – Lucky Luke in “Daisy Town” (animated feature, france 1971)

Wednesday August 31st: Stereotyping – Germans Part 2: Bavarians

After that I have a draft, but it’s not set in stone. I may go on hiatus for health reasons. Don’t know exactly when, but it will take 6 months. I will inform of this in advance. If I can I will make a buffer of videos and give a friend of mine permission to post them.

See you later


It’s finally here!

So finally I finished this beast. This ladies and gentleman is the very reason this here blog exists. It’s meant to be the primary platform for my Internet review show. It’s named after a nickname I got during my school years and which I always liked.

So may I present the MOELANDER Show, only here

…and of course on

…and on under blogs

…and on facebook maybe soon…

I forgot to mention the second song I used in the opening in the credits. It’s “Right About Time” from the swedish band “The Caesars”. GREAT band! Buy their albums!

The next videos will be of better quality. I just had a lot of technical difficulties with this one, but I sorted them out and now know the full potential of my equipment.

So next week Lucky Luke!